Friday, February 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. I am currently obsessed with sourdough bread. I made a starter this week, and have been feeding and mixing it. Last night it was read, so I made English muffins.

2. Today I am relieved because, its Friday and I’m not dead exhausted. We had a three day work week! YIppie!

3. The age I am is 26 and the age I feel is 26. I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to feel at any age. Haha

4. My favorite place is anywhere on my bike. I love the view, and the freedom.

5. Something I have been procrastinating is my taxes… yikes!

6. The last thing I purchased was a diet coke at the corner store. When I talk about having a cold one after work, it’s a diet coke. It’s a little Friday treat since the caffeine will make me a psycho ping pong ball on a school night J

7. The thing I love most about my home is it’s cozy, and really ‘nice’. The apartment is brand new, and it’s the nicest place I’ve ever lived.


caz said...

Congrats on having a new apartment to live in! I wish I could have a blank canvas to decorate and make my own..

Happy weekend!

Jen said...

I love the fact that everything is sniney and new, but has no pretty details of an old apartment. I try to add those myself :)