Friday, July 8, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

I'm still participating in Fill in the Blank Friday from the blog The Little Things We Do. I get excited every Friday to participate, and it ensures me a blog post a week.

Anyhoo, let's go!

Photo by rz
Taken after my very first grown-up bike accident.
August 2009

1. My plans this summer include going to a hippie music festival, being in my sisters wedding, traveling to Madison for the wedding and Maid of Honor helping, and making artwork.

2. The best summer I ever had was the summer of 2009. I was working at Trader Joes, but I had a teaching job lined up for the Fall. Every morning (and sometimes early afternoon) Ry and I would walk the dog to the coffee shop have an iced coffee. We went on a “Staycation”, and were so in love. It rained the whole. freakin. month. of June spoiling my birthday picnic.

3. Summer is one of the best times of the year! Who doesn’t love summer vacation?

4. My favorite summer food is peaches, fresh corn, and tomatoes! I love corn made on the grill with the husks on. Yum!

5. The best way to quench a summer thirst is with ice water with lemon wedges.

6. My summer uniform consists of casual clothes. Since I’m not teaching, I don’t get fancy at all. Dresses, shorts t-shirts galore!

7. The best thing about summer is the abundance of fruit and veggies.

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